Hill Pools
Refreshing and calm, but very slippery.
Just outside of the Town Square and overlooking Pecan Home are the Hill Pools, a series of tiered short bare cliffs that are perpetually flooded by a spring. The phenomenon creates a gentle and rocky series of small slate-floored ponds and waterfalls, which feed into the stream at the bottom. Each flat tier, about a foot tall and ten or twenty feet wide, has been carved away at over time, leaving the bottoms concave to fill in pools that are hardly ever more than ankle-deep, and the water never too warm or too cold. The floors of each tier are very slippery, so be careful!

Because of its location at the bottom of the valley and its shallow beds, the Hill Pools are very prone to flooding, but similarly very prone to drying up in the summer, leaving only the flat stone beds and maybe a few dribbling puddles. You won't find any fish here at any point of the season, but flower petals will fall in and get caught on the rocks in the spring, and the shallower areas will freeze over completely in the winter.

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